Thursday, May 31, 2012

Ringo Baga! おいしい

Ringo Baga (apple rings candied in honey mustard on a burger)

In Japan, Ringo means Apple, Baga means Burger.
In Japan some burger joints serve their burgers topped with a slice of apple.

I decided to go a step further and candy the apple slices in a spicy honey mustard glaze.

4 cored Apple Slices
2 T oil
Flip over occasionally to fry evenly

When they pick up some golden color, then add
4 T Honey
It will bubble up. flip, then add
1/4 to 1/3 cup of water and simmer till its reduced by half, then add
1/4-1/3 cup of Dijon mustard or Frenches or a mix
2 T Horseradish
Simmer till reduced by half and serve on a turkey (or beef) burger on a whole grain bun
with the bottom half spread with mayo.