Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Sardine Plokkfiskur


 This is NOT Authentic Icelandic Plokkfiskur, but Im obsessed with Icelands Volcanoes and Sardines, so I made this.
 Sardine Plokkfiskur
Plokkfiskur is a mild Icelandic Cod Stew. I subbed in Sardines here and its delicious
3 Cans Cento Boneless/Skinless Sardines (Drained)
2 potatoes, peeled and diced
1 onion, chopped.
1 Fish Boullion cube
2 T butter
Salt and Pepper

Put the Potatoes, Onion, Boullion Cube and Salt and Pepper in a pot with water and boil till the potatoes are tender.. Boil some more until the liquids reduced and the potatoes are above water. Mash them with butter. Take off heat and add the Sardines and mash them with the potatoes coarsely.
Serve with Rugbraud and dill if desired
Or maybe hot sauce...
