Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Kitchen Equipment #5 Asian Markets And Produce Bags

Kitchen Equipment #5 Asian Markets And Produce Bags

GoPro makes my arms look so mannish and fat! I go to the gym 3xs a week, I eat healthy, LOL WTF

Over my years of going to Asian Markets and buying produce I have noticed that the produce I buy at the Asian Mkt, stays fresh much longer than the produce I buy at my regular grocery store. A few times I inadvertently saved a few Asian Mkt bags to store other produce in. That produce then stayed much fresher longer.
The Asian Mkt bags are "Crunchy" or stiffer than the soft pliable bags at my regular grocer.
I think the Asian mkt has special bags that keep produce fresher longer...
If you have an Asian Mkt near you go grab a few bags (and lunch) to store your produce in.
See if you notice a difference,