Friday, October 30, 2020

Sticky Chili Coated Fruit

A perfect little nosh!
Sticky Chili Coated Fruit
10 Guajillo Fresh Dried Chilis
5 Fresh Dried Ancho Chilis
1 canned Chipotles
1 T cinnamon
1 T Lime Powder
Asst fruit
1/2 cup Rice Syrup or Maple Syrup

Cut the very tops of the chilis off and place in a large bowl and cover with boiling water. 
Let sit 30 mins.
Open each chili up and remove seeds.
Place them in the Vitamix with 1/2 cup soaking liquid. add the chipotle, cinnamon, lime powder and rice syrup.
Puree thoroughly.

Cut up apples, bananas, pears, mango and melon.
Dehydrate them half way. 
(Aldi sells a cheap dehydrator occasionally for $29)
Then coat in some of the chili paste and dehydrate them more, till they are sticky sweet, Store in a airtight container in the fridge....