Sunday, October 25, 2020

Pink Fauxtato Onion Soup (Keto)


Creamy, Rich, Perfect Texture.... Delicious!


Pink Fauxtato Onion Soup (Keto)

 1 bag radishes, chopped
1 onion, chopped
1 cup Jarred Lupini Beans (Zero carbs)
1 cup half and half
1 cup milk
2-3 T Olive oil
1/2 t Amoretti Potato extract
White pepper
1 t Salt

Cook the onions and radishes in a pot till everything is translucent.

Add the Half and Half and milk, and simmer about 5 mins

Pour this into a Vitamix with the drained Lupini Beans, Amoretti, Salt and Pepper and puree thoroughly,

pour back into the pot and bring to a simmer for maybe 2 minutes then serve.

Top with more radishes or Chopped scallion or parsley or sour cream, bacon or even cheese.

Lupini Beans are high in protein