Friday, April 05, 2019

Korean Chrysanthemum and Ginseng Salad

Spicy with exotic greens
Korean Chrysanthemum and Ginseng Salad

Red leaf lettuce
Ssukat -  Edible Chrysanthemum
Washed, Shaved ginseng root
Sesame (Perilla) :Leaves
Korean pear, cut into slices
Pine nuts

Wash everything, Spin dry, tear and arrange nicely in a bowl or plate


2 T Gochuchang
1 T Soju
1/4 Rice vinegar
1 T salted shrimp
1 clove Pressed garlic
1 T sesame oil
1/3 cup olive oil
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 a Korean pear, pureed

 Shake everything in a jar and serve on the salad