Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Hawai'ian Eggs Benedict

Teriyaki Spam, Rice, Eggs, Lime Hollandaise and Flower Furikake
 Hawai'ian Eggs Benedict

Rice Circles
Hot Shortgrain Rice 

Cook rice until done, then make rounds with wet hands
Teriyaki Spam
 Sliced SPAM
2 T Brown Sugar
2 T Soy Sauce
Fry all in a skillet until sticky and dark
Poached Eggs
LIME Hollandaise
2 heaping T Dried Whole Eggs.
2 T True Lime powder
1-1/2 t Salt
1/4 t Pepper
1/4 cup water
1/2 cup Light tasting oil 
1/2 cup melted cooled (but still liquid) butter

Put the Eggs, Lime Powder, salt and pepper in the cup of an immersion blender and add water and mix till completely smooth. Then add the oil and butter and emulsify and mix with the blender until thick.

I used THIS cause it has flowers