Sunday, August 08, 2021

Galaxy Glitter Fondant


It is extremely difficult to show how gorgeous this looks in person as photographing glitter is tough, but in person it is dazzlingly glittery and gorgeous.
Glitter Fondant

1 cup sugar
2 cups water
Food coloring and Flavor
1 tiny jar Food safe hologram glitter (Disco Dust)

Whisk the Clear Gel and Sugar together completely, in a double boiler where the water can touch the bowl.
Add the Water and food color and glitter and stir completely.

Turn on the heat to high and bring to a boil stirring constantly until very thick.
Cover it with a lid and let cook.

 Keep adding extra boiling water to the pot as it evaporates and after 25-35 mins the mixture will turn clear and glittery.
Remove from heat and scrape into a lightly oiled OXO pastry bag and close and roll flat.
Let cool

 then carefully open and smooth it on a cake that has either light frosting (same color as the glitter fondant) or a cake with a thin layer of regular fondant..