Saturday, October 24, 2015

Low Carb Thanksgiving Stuffing Muffins

Moist and tasty Stuffing Muffins wont ruin your Low Carb Lifestyle

 Low Carb Thanksgiving Stuffing Muffins

    4 scoops Quest Multi Purpose Baking Mix Powder
    1 cup Chicken Broth
    1 cup egg whites
    2/3 cup coconut flour
    1/4 cup pureed celery
    1/4 cup pureed onion
1 T butter
    1 t poultry seasoning
    1 teaspoon baking powder
    2 t salt

Pre-heat oven to 350oF

Saute the purees in a pan with the butter for 3 mins, let cool .

Mix all together and pour into greased mini muffin pans and bake till puffy and golden, about 20-30 mins.
Serve with turkey,gravy, green bean casserole, and Quest Mashed Potatoes 

 Per Muffin:

Calories  28
Fat  7
Saturated Fat  5
Polyunsaturated Fat  trace
Monounsaturated Fat  trace

Carbs 11
Fiber 7

So net Carbs 4 per muffin

Break up 2 muffins on your plate and smother with gravy, you got good eatin'

BTW you can substitute Shrimp Stock for Chicken Broth and Old Bay for the Poultry Seasoning and make Hush Puppies.