Sunday, July 12, 2020

Keto Grits And Shrimp

You will never believe its not corn.
Keto Grits And Shrimp

1 cup fresh dried soybeans, soaked in water overnight, rinsed and drained

4 cups Water
1 t Salt
Pepper, to taste
4 T Butter
1 t Amoretti Corn Extract

Put the water and soybeans in an Instant Pot and cook on 40 mins high, bean mode and seal it.
Drain and place it all in a food processor with 1 cup water and grind until the texture of grits.
Pour into a pot with all other ingredients, adding cream or water to your desired texture and cook on medium till hot.

 1 Bag Aldi raw jumbo shrimp, peeled
 6 slices of bacon chopped (turkey, beef or pork)
3 chopped scallions
2 cloves garlic, pressed
2 T Lemon Juice

Fry the bacon over medium, till chewy but not flabby-raw, remove the bacon to a plate, then add the shrimp and fry till cooked, add the bacon and everything else and cook till hot then serve over the soy grits.


Serves 3